Presentation: Tweet"if Government can do it..."
The Government Digital Service is a new unit of the UK Cabinet Office
tasked with all things digital. It's made up of designers, developers,
systems administrators, product managers and Government policy
specialists - all building, running and helping to design large online
government services. Our tools include agile, multidisciplinary teams
with the ability to make fast decisions; close collaboration between
developers, operations and information security specialists; and
modern infrastructure and software as a service products. We look a
lot like a startup.
This will be a technical talk with lots of culture thrown in. We'll
discuss how we shipped GOV.UK, including:
* how we built our teams and technology to allow us to make changes to
the live service daily
* how we worked closely with security and auditing colleagues from day
one, not just as an afterthought
* how we moved infrastructure supplier quickly using modern
configuration management tools and APIs
* how we're now trying to spread some of these practices and
approaches around a super large organisation
* details of lots of the mistakes we made along the way